By Hemant Goswami on 2020-04-12 09:05:02

Message From Administrator

Now it is the right time that we rethink education and redefine the role of schools and teachers in the life of the student. We have to move away from the traditional thought process and bring context to what happened in the classroom. Most of the context we provide to students today may be outdated in the years to come. So giving life experience, skills and developing a curiosity to learn should be on the top of our agenda. I believe that there are some of the reasons for schools to exist. Like: to provide life experience & skills sets which would help students survive, sustain & succeed in any situation. To teach students to focus on relationship and exercise compassions (No machine or technology can do this for students). I believe in Kaizen (改善). It means continuous ongoing development. Deep academy journey begins from

  • Learning is light to
  • Learning to live together to
  • Let’s Learn (We are an Extraordinary Family) to
  • Develop 21st-century learning skills

Nowadays we are working upon 21st Century learning Skills development and trying to fulfill all 4Cs of 21st Century learning:- i-e Critical thinking, Collaboration, Creativity and Communication.

I personally believe we need to add one more C to the list — compassion to make students responsible citizens. Just imagine what if the next generation of all stakeholders is taught compassion with all skills? 

The World Would Be Such A Beautiful Place.