By Administrator on 2021-05-25 08:01:19

Online class at 9 for classes kindly note

[5/24, 12:16 PM] 0336 1881950: To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: pek-tmcr-jup
Class One

[5/24, 12:17 PM] MS-V: To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: kxz-eoyc-ngd 

Class 3

[5/24, 12:18 PM] farida: To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: ray-tjup-jwh 

Class 4

[5/24, 12:19 PM] Ms Ds: To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: cep-zgpo-net 

Class 2
[5/24, 12:19 PM] Kajal Lal Teacher: To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: krx-ghzi-cdc 

Class 5 

[5/25, 8:15 AM] Hinesh Sharma: Meeting 

[5/25, 8:16 AM] Hinesh Sharma:

6th class